If you are a developer, 构建器, 架构师, 工程师, 或房主,正在计划一个涉及BWSC水的新建筑项目或翻新, 下水道, or storm drain systems, 你需要熟悉场地平面图的审批流程. Basically, it is a two-step process. 第一步是提交地盘规划及相关文件、图纸、许可证等. Once BWSC approves the Site Plan, 第二步涉及开立一个新帐户(如适用),同时完成一般服务申请(GSA). 除了有关场地规划要求和GSA备案的信息, 本节还将提供其他支持文件的菜单, 指南和表格以及其他有用的信息,您可能需要成功地完成场地规划和许可过程.
BWSC还保存着历史和当代地图档案, 连接卡, 记录计划, 收入, 地役权, and other detailed information to help you successfully plan, research and complete your site plan.
When planning for connection repairs, account reactivation, 或拆除, 在进行任何维修工作之前,您需要填写并向BWSC提交一份通用服务申请(GSA)和所有证明文件.
如果您对这个过程有任何疑问,请联系BWSC的工程客户服务 617-989-7600.
Step 1: Pre Site Plan Approval
General 需求
为协助业主,已编制了场地平面图和已建成建筑的要求, 开发人员, 建筑商, 架构师, 工程师, and others in securing the necessary approvals from BWSC. For more information continue to the General 需求 page.
General 需求
Water 需求
All water work must meet or exceed BWSC's standard requirements.
Water 需求
Sewer 需求
All 下水道 work must meet or exceed BWSC's standard requirements.
Sewer 需求
Storm Drain 需求
所有雨水渠工程必须达到或超过BWSC的标准要求. BWSC保留决定在建筑翻新期间是否解决排水问题的权利. 波士顿市的场地规划审查项目要求渗透的径流量等于1英寸降雨量乘以现场总不透水面积,必须在排放到雨水渠或少于100的项目的联合下水道系统之前渗透,000 square feet of floor area. For all projects which are at or above 100,000 square feet of floor area, the project must use a volume of runoff equal to 1.25 inches of rainfall times the total impervious area on site. 申请人需以电子方式获取、填写并上传一份基于excel的 Green Infrastructure Worksheet when directed by BWSC.
Storm Drain 需求
在波士顿市,拆除建筑物涉及多种形式, permits and supporting documents overseen by a number of agencies.
- Submit a letter to 客户服务s requesting demolition
- Submit a letter from a BWSC licensed and bonded contractor
- Request BWSC to shut-off all domestic and fire pipe service
- 请提供位于南安普顿街115号的波士顿消防局的消防管道关闭许可证号码, 波士顿, MA
- 以公共方式断水后,归还水务中心的水表及水表传送装置
- 支付所有未结算的余额以及未开票的应计费用,并重新分类账户
- 为了完成GSA,请一家有担保和许可的排水层公司进行水的断开(切割和封盖), 下水道, 以及BWSC主要线路的雨水渠连接,并拆除所有附属设备
Upon completion of all tasks, the GSA will be closed out. GSA是BWSC的签字文件,将交付给ISD.
Step 2: Post-Approval/GSA
After the site plan is approved and signed by the Chief Engineer, 或者他的指定人, 一般服务申请(GSA)必须由业主填写, or the owner's agent, prior to the initiation of the approved work. 向BWSC提交新建筑GSA的先决条件是波士顿市检查服务部门的粗略施工签字文件. 根据供水服务或消防管道连接以及下水道和排水管连接的大小,押金必须随GSA提交. Upon receipt of the appropriate deposit, BWSC将建立一个供水和下水道账户,并为该物业分配一个账号. 每条水和下水道连接处都要收取检查费. 24 hours advanced notice is required for inspection scheduling. If any inspection date is scheduled on weekends, holidays or after regular work hours, an additional inspection fee will be charged. 也, 如果承包商没有提前通知BWSC检查员取消, 如果后来重新安排工作,将向承包商收取额外的检查费.
在BWSC系统上进行的所有施工工作或在所有权可能转移给BWSC的系统上进行的施工工作必须由BWSC施工检查员进行检查,费用由开发商承担. 承包商将根据项目完成前估计的工作日按目前的每日最低工资标准收费. 工程客户服务经理将作出决定. 这些款项应通过工程客户服务部支付. Upon completion of the work, 退款或额外帐单将根据实际工作天发出. The contractor must notify, 以书面形式, the Director of the BWSC Construction Division, seven days prior to the beginning of construction. This will allow BWSC sufficient time to schedule field inspection.
从批准之日起一年后,必须重新启动场地规划. 重新激活需要一个叙述性的信件和一个新的场地平面图.
As-Built Drawings & Supporting Documents
BWSC要求在项目完成后30天内将竣工图纸提交给工程客户服务部. 竣工计划必须由在马萨诸塞州获得认证的专业工程师提交.
Other than standard service connections, site plans which require on-site infiltration systems, particle separators or drainage overflow connection systems, and all work on BWSC's water mains, sanitary 下水道s or storm drains, must be detailed in Auto Cad Release 14 disk or higher. Upon completion of the work, these drawings are to be submitted to BWSC at 980 Harrison Avenue, 波士顿, MA. These drawings must include:
- 任何废弃物品的位置,如管道、水门和沙井
- 位置 of all new installations, 比如门, 人孔, 异径接头, 我家的t恤, bends and other appurtenances
- 将所有新项目的尺寸与属性线和角相结合
- A Separate Plan and Profile sheet of all 下水道 and drain lines. 在人孔处反转所有下水道和排水管道的标高,并与平面图对齐.
- Depth of water pipe at all gates, bends and connections
- Size and type of all pipes, valves and hydrants installed
- Rim elevations of all 人孔
- As-Built calculations and information include size, proposed impervious area, proposed impervious area, required infiltration capacity, and latitude/longitude of all GI/LID installed
For projects with BMP/GI installations, submit an updated Green Infrastructure Worksheet 提供诸如BMP/GI类型、建成计算和位置等信息.
形式, 规范 and Templates
General Site Plan 形式
Easement Request Form
规范 & 需求
- AutoCAD Standards
- General Site Plan 需求
- Sewer/雨水 需求
- Green Infrastructure Worksheet
- Green Infrastructure Worksheet Instruction Document
- Green Infrastructure Worksheet Instruction Video
- Green Infrastructure Worksheet Example
- 雨水 Permit 需求
- Material 需求
- 水数据
- 的指导方针 for Grit & 油分离器
- Meter Standard 规范
- Construction 规范
- Engineering 标准的细节